Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2015 USA Gymnastics Championships.

June 23-28, 2015 - Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, N.C.
Level 8, Floor. Hana

The contest lasts for moments, though the training has taken years.
It wasn't the winning alone that was worth the work and the tears.
The applause will be forgotten, the prize will be misplaced,
But the long hard hours of practice will never be a waste.
In trying to win you build a skill,
You learn that winning depends on will.
You never grow by how much you win,
You only grow by how much you put in.
So any new challenge you have just begun,
Put forth your best and you have already won.
- W. A. Clennan

IK Gymnastics competitive program includes floor training and exercises with ball, rope, ribbon, hoop, and clubs. In addition, IK School of Rhythmic Gymnastics has the best coaches in Miami area, who help our students to develop to their fullest potential.

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